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Upcoming Webinar

20-21 June 2025





Livemedictalks is an open resource platform that conducts virtual events/International Live meetings, in some selected major scientific disciplines, including Clinical, Medical, pharmaceutical, across America, Europe and Asia Pacific. It is reaching over 25 million researchers, scholars, students, professionals and corporate entities all over the globe.

It is a premier platform dedicated to organizing international events and sharing groundbreaking scientific innovations in the diverse fields of Medical field. Our core objective is to showcase the latest innovative and cutting-edge research while addressing challenges with the best possible solutions, ultimately contributing to the well-being of present and future generations.

We offer the ideal environment for friendly and productive research-oriented discussions. We unite professionals from around the world, removing barriers to share insights and engage in meaningful professional interactions—ensuring a top-tier experience for all attendees. Our conventions feature Invited Talks, Scientific Sessions,  Poster Presentations. To support emerging talent, we also host a special Young Researchers Session, inviting early-career researchers to compete for the Young Researchers.

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Our Aim

Vision: Live Medic Talks envisions evolving into a center of excellence for professional meetings. We strive to offer the best venue for researchers and entrepreneurs to develop both personally and professionally—a place to learn, grow, and collaborate.

Mission: Our mission is to provide a world-class knowledge hub and networking platform that fosters the transformation of cutting-edge technology and innovations.  

What We Do

We organize International WEBINARS | VIRTUAL and LIVE CONFERENCES focused on medical and health-related fields.

We accept full-length articles and publish them in our peer-reviewed, open-access international journals

  • Peer-reviewed by field experts
  • Highly qualified Editorial Board Members
  • Fast review and publication process
  • Convenient online submission
  • Initial scrutiny by our Quality Control and Editorial Team, followed by the peer review process

Why Attend our Webinars?

Our events provide the best platforms for fostering friendly, effective, and research-driven discussions. We bring together individuals from across the globe, facilitating barrier-free exchanges of ideas to address current challenges and discover new technologies for the benefit of future generations.

We highlight innovative, cutting-edge research that plays a fundamental role in addressing global challenges. By organizing these webinars, Live Medic Talks brings together world-class scientists, academicians, scholars, entrepreneurs, business professionals, and students. Our events offer unparalleled global opportunities for professional growth, featuring exhibitions, workshops, symposiums, and scientific talks.

Our upcoming speakers for Neuro-Spine webinar​​

Speakers List
Dr Tornike Kldiashvili

Dr Bahaedin Muhsen, Jordan

Dr Bahaedin Muhsen

Dr. Hatim ALShareef, Saudi Arabia

Dr Gabriel Vargas

Dr Moanes Shalabi, US

Dr Mohamad Farhoudi

Dr Walter Bini, United Arab Emirates

Dr Bamban darwono

Dr Siddharth Goutam,India

Dr Damian Lastro

Dr. Ahmed Hussein, Egypt

Dr Damian Lastro

Dr Vincenzo Meglio ,Italy

Dr Damian Lastro

Dr Damian Lastro, Cuba

Dr Damian Lastro

Dr Arman Akopian, USA

Dr Damian Lastro

PhD Dr. Zolotoverkh Oleksandr , Germany

Speakers List

Previous Speakers List

Dr Tornike Kldiashvili

Dr Tornike Kldiashvili

Dr Bahaedin Muhsen

Dr Bahaedin Muhsen

Dr Gabriel Vargas

Dr Gabriel Vargas

Dr Mohamad Farhoudi

Dr Mohamad Farhoudi

Dr Bamban darwono

Dr Bambang darwono

Dr Damian Lastro

Dr Damian Lastro

Dr Duong Trung Kien

Dr Duong Trung Kien

Dr Ali Haider Bangash

Dr Ali Haider Bangash

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